-----\\\\|//------- ------( @@)------- ---ooO--(_)--Ooo— http://www.robertocarlosmoreira.com.br/ Father ours, that stays in the sky, santificado either your name, comes we it your kingdom, either made your will thus in the land as in the sky. The bread ours of each day in you give them today. E you pardon us our offences, thus with us we pardon to who in has offended them. E in you do not leave them to fall in temptation, but you exempt us of the evil. Amen!
A autora Maria de São Pedro, a Papiro Editora e a Fnac têm o prazer de convidar V.Exas. a estarem presentes para o lançamento do livro GATO PEDRA no dia 19 de Maio, pelas 19.00h na Fnac - Cascais Shopping.
2 :
------( @@)-------
Father ours, that stays in the sky, santificado either your name, comes we it your kingdom, either made your will thus in the land as in the sky. The bread ours of each day in you give them today. E you pardon us our offences, thus with us we pardon to who in has offended them. E in you do not leave them to fall in temptation, but you exempt us of the evil. Amen!
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Anónimo em maio 10, 2006 2:54 da manhã
A autora Maria de São Pedro, a Papiro Editora e a Fnac têm o prazer de convidar V.Exas. a estarem presentes para o lançamento do livro GATO PEDRA no dia 19 de Maio, pelas 19.00h na Fnac - Cascais Shopping.
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LUA DE LOBOS em maio 10, 2006 1:19 da tarde
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